Procon Insurance Brokers || Commercial Insurance | Building | Plant | Equipment | Stock

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business insurance, commercial insurance, insurance, claims, fire, storm, crime,  insured, building, plant and equipment, stock, business interruption, breakdown,  loss of income, cash, body corporate, motor, motor fleets, liability, goods in transit, electronic equipment, fidelity guarantee, accident and health, site accidents, cover, guest house, bed and breakfast, tourism, entertainment, lodges, timeshare, restaurants, hotels, dams, medical equipment, dental, surgery, agricultural, crop insurance, machinery, livestock, vine, vine insurance, marine, marine cargo, hull, engineering insurance, construction all risk, transport, trucks, cross border towing, loss of use, business owner, marine, cargo, freight liability, road, rail, freight, air freight, computer and electronic data processing equipment, aviation, corporate aircraft, private owners, charter operators, procon insurance brokers.procon pretoria

Commercial, Corporate and Specialist Business Insurance

Managing your Insurance with the right Partner.

No business is without risk, whether you run a small commercial enterprise or operate a multi-national corporation.  You've put a lot of time and money into your business — after all, it's one of the most important assets you own. So make sure you're managing and protecting it with the right Comprehensive coverage options. These will help keep you covered if you need to claim after a covered loss.

The key to managing your business insurance is to choose an insurer that understands the risks inherent in your particular field of business and who will partner with your broker to provide a risk management solution to meet your specific insurance requirements.

Our team of carefully selected insurers with specialist backup support will work hard to put together a tailored solution specifically for your business needs.

We at Procon understands that no business is the same – therefore:

  • We shop around on your behalf
  • We are aware that there can be sizeable differences in prices, which is why it's so important to compare options.
  • We know that the policy offering the lowest premium may not always be the best value for money.
  • We are willing to take the time to help you understand the policy in-depth.
  • We make sure that you partner with the right insurer that specialises in your type of business.
  • We know that certain types of insurance have to be renewed every year. Your insurance company has to send you a renewal notice at least 15 days before your renewal date, thereby giving you the chance to shop around for a better premium if required.
  • We know that any insurance company can generate a quote, but do they have the experience to foresee a problem.
You might be surprised at what you qualify for and just how much you can save. Our aim is to keep you well and truly covered with a solid and affordable policy. 

Contact Procon for assistance.

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The representatives (if any) are not authorized to deal in any financial product, and / or in any financial product for own benefit where these dealings are based upon advanced knowledge. Such dealings will be done in conjunction with the product suppliers / providers / Insurance Company if required.