Procon Insurance Brokers || Investments | Guaranteed Income Plans | Growth Plans

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Any product information [legal and / or technical] on this webpage is subject to change from time to time. This webpage is a summary of some financial products / different product features and is not to be construed as advice by Procon Insurance Brokers. Any recommendations made must take into consideration your specific needs and personal circumstances.

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Wealth creation, Income generation and Wealth protection: Accumulation of Wealth

Managing your Investments with the right Partner.

The key to managing your Investments is to choose an investment partner that understands the risks involving investments and who will partner with your Broker to provide risk solutions for the Conservative investor as well as for someone who prefers to take risk.

Unless you are well-acquainted with Investments it’s well worth consulting with an Insurance Broker who partners with carefully selected Insurers with qualified Investment Managers who professionally managed a wide range of investment portfolios to choose from.

We at Procon understands that no one investment is the same – therefore:

  • We shop around on your behalf
  • We shop between a wide range of investment portfolios, for partners that deliver on investment promises and for value for money
  • We shop for the best Guarantees on Income and Growth plans to help you reach your investment goals
  • Our partner’s market-leading guarantees, even on more aggressive investment portfolios are not just about the money – it’s about what is best for you
  • We are aware that there can be sizeable differences in costs, which is why it's so important to compare options
  • We are also aware of life’s uncertainties, therefore "flexible investing" and flexible premium structures for all your needs and wants should you decide to go this route
  • We can understand if you have doubts about the different portfolios on offer. A Life time portfolio is available for peace of mind. The portfolio is manage on your behalf by our partner experts. Your portfolio is automatically tailored to your tolerance for the ups and downs of the markets. Your investment will also benefit from the valuable expert insights of the Professional Portfolio Managers

It is vitally important that the partner with whom you choose to invest is financially sound, the benefits of which cannot be underestimated in today’s volatile markets. Contact Procon