Procon Insurance Brokers || Procon Versekeringsmakelaars

financial adviser, Africa, Baobab, procon insurance brokers, risk, Financial Services Provider, goals, objectives, advice, financial planning,  Retirement Annuities, Bond Cover, Life Cover, Disability Cover, Impairment Cover, Loss of Income, Savings Plans, Investment Plans, Injury, Illness, Disease or Surgical Cover, Comprehensive Accident cover, Medical Aid, Short Term Insurance, Personal, Commercial. Financial Services Provider, procon, procon insurance brokers,fia member,financial intermediary association of southern africa, versekeringsmakelaars in pretoria, makelaar  Pretoria


Procon Insurance Brokers offers the complete range of insurance and investment solutions - for individuals and businesses.

Procon Insurance Brokers CC has been a recognized name in the insurance industry for over 39 years. Procon Insurance Brokers CC provides a wide range of financial products including industry renowned products such as,

Retirement Annuities, Bond Cover, Life Cover, Disability Cover, Impairment Cover, Loss of Income, Savings Plans, Investment Plans, Injury, Illness, Critical illness Cover, Comprehensive Accident cover, Medical Aid and Short Term Insurance - Personal and Commercial 

It's hard to know what type of insurance needs we'll have in the future because it's harder than ever to know with any real certainty what our future will hold. The world of insurance and medical aid is changing too. Procon Insurance Brokers provides financial products that are flexible enough to exactly match your circumstances today - find your medical aid to match, whatever your family, financial or work situation may be and to adapt to your changing needs as they unfold into the future.

financial adviser, Africa, Baobab, procon insurance brokers, risk, Financial Services Provider, goals, objectives, advice, financial planning,  Retirement Annuities, Bond Cover, Life Cover, Disability Cover, Impairment Cover, Loss of Income, Savings Plans, Investment Plans, Injury, Illness, Disease or Surgical Cover, Comprehensive Accident cover, Medical Aid, Short Term Insurance, Personal, Commercial. Financial Services Provider, procon, procon insurance brokers,fia member,financial intermediary association of southern africa, versekeringsmakelaars in pretoria, makelaar  Pretoria

Procon Insurance Brokers promotes the life and short-term insurance industry by enhancing consumer confidence in creating a positive image, awareness and understanding of the industry. We are client-orientated and consumer-focused, therefore business is spread among insurers, according to the client’s needs and affordability.

Hours: For security reasons we work by appointment only.

Mondays to Fridays: 8 - 16.30 >< Wednesdays: 10 - 16.30

     Evenings - Till Late 

Do leave your name and contact details {if we are unavailable} on our electronic answering machine, 
we will call you back

Intermediary services / Tussengangerdienste: 

Office-bound only / Slegs op Kantoor

FICA[Financial Intelligence Centre Act]

money mouse trapIn terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, Procon Insurance Brokers is obliged to report any suspicious and unusual transactions that may facilitate money laundering and to implement money-laundering control measures which include, duty to identify clients, to keep records, reporting duties, access to information and compliance. FICA provides for some exemptions for insurance and investment providers.Procon Insurance Brokers CC is Licensed as a Financial Services Provider in Terms of Section 8 of The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 (Act No 37 of 2002).

Our Icon and Logo for 39 years

 The Tree of Life

Undoubtedly this magnificent colossus is the most frequently-discussed botanical phenomenon in Africa and its pre-historic appearance provides for insurance retirement investmentsone of the most dramatic landscapes Africa has to offer. Baobab trees in South Africa today were growing when the Roman Empire ruled Europe, the Middle East and the entire northern coast of Africa. Baobab [Kremetartboom] are  the oldest living relics of ancient times.

The Baobab is called the Tree of Life with good reason. It is capable of providing shelter, food, condiments, medicines, cloth, rope and is fire resistant. The tree is capable of storing hundreds of liters of water.

The Baobab also features as the Tree of Life in Disney "The Lion King", and is the centerpiece and icon in Disney Animal Kingdom theme park. The Baobab reflects on the importance of all species of animals and reminds us how wonderful life is on earth.

A symbol of good character and integrity, security, operational ability, competency, endurance,conservation, ingenuity and dialog.

Procon Versekeringsmakelaars,Procon Insurance Brokers,Procon,Insurance,Versekering,Beleggings,Investments,Spaarplanne,Savings Plans,Life Insurance,Lewnensversekering,Verlies van inkomste,Loss of income,Impairment,Finansiele beskermer,Fisiese ongeskiktheid,Aftree annuiteit,Produkbeskrywings,Versekerings produkte,Insurance products,Bond Insurance,Verbandekking,Retirement options,Investment products Any product information [legal and / or technical] on this webpage is subject to change from time to time. This webpage is a summary of some financial products / different product features and is not to be construed as advice by Procon Insurance Brokers. Any recommendations made must take into consideration your specific needs and personal circumstances. Procon. Pretoria.

Enige produk inligting [wetlik en / of tegnies] op hierdie webblad is van tyd tot tyd aan verandering onderhewig. Hierdie webblad is ’n opsomming van sommige finansiële produkte / verskeie produkte se kenmerke en moet nie as advies deur Procon Versekeringsmakelaars beskou word nie.  Enige aanbevelings wat gemaak word, moet jou spesifieke behoeftes en persoonlike omstandighede in ag neem. Procon Versekeringsmakelaars. Procon. Pretoria.